A Piece for your day(Short Stories, Poetry et al)

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Thought Flake

I like knowing things I never knew. I like seeing things I'v never seen before.
I love to go to places I'd never gone to before. I love thinking of things I've never thought about.
I'd enjoy peering into the future, but I sit back every now and then to steer at my past.
I would like to pass through some moments that I have passed through before.
I love moments that comes once and never again.
I like to meet people I thought never again to meet, it makes the moment a glorious one to savour.

I would like to step back into time, even the hour just past.
I hope to see the future if only a second of it, to change a phrase or a word in a sentence; it's good enough for a life time.
I wish to go back in time to revisit errors of the past; one has made enough.
Life isn't a choice, living is.
Life is subtle, we know not what it purports.
Though we live hoping someday to understand life, we can never be old enough to know enough or understand it well enough.
If life is a book, every hour would be a page, a fresh start, a new chance to turn things around for good or scribble in our doom.

Alas! A new hour and I flip a new page to put down another ink-less memory.
Will it fade away like smoke, just like the page before?
I hope it's good enough to last a few more days, so that people watching can breath these into their lungs and live.
I have something to dream about, Something to live for. It is My Dreams.
I dream because I live, and I live because I dream.
When i stay under the covers dreaming, my pages don't stay blank; other people will write on it. -The same goes to you

#Dream #life #Poetry #StrayingThoughts #AfricanPoetry

1 comment:

  1. Okay, good for you. I will pass on this one, it sounds weird and nerdy.
